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Gunfire Reborn

ltmon's picture

n0mad and I have been having fun with this little shooter:

It’s a well made and addictive shooter. It’s pretty hard, and seems to get even harder when we started 2 player co-op. Worth picking up in my opinion.



n0mad's picture

2nd this

And it has that 0ld Quake feel t00 it..

Pick it up if y0u like FPS with sum real challenge t0 them
Multiplayer is just fun fun fun….

I Can’t wait to play as the d0g…

Robag's picture

we got to

the 2nd boss fight
more next week

ltmon's picture

Actually a bit easier in single player

They seem to scale the enemies quite aggressively in multi-player. The normal levels are harder in single, but the boss fights are easier. I haven’t gotten far against the final boss yet, however

Apparently more weapons, enemies, scrolls and areas are coming in an update this month too.

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